44. international sculptors' symposion krastal
11. 07. - 30. 07. 2011

sound of sculpture

The 44th international sculptors’ symposion focuses on sound as an interdisciplinary project between sculpture and sound combining the visual with the auditory.

We explore new definitions of contemporary, performative and interactive sculptures. “Sound of Sculpture” is a research project initiated by artists, which - across boundaries of the genres - may also be open to further interests. The sound sculpture symposion held this year for the first time at [kunstwerk] krastal. Together with the invited participants, we aimed to create and play the sound sculptures ourselves. The unique experience that resulted from the sound research processes, combined with our long-term, sculptural search for forms, motivate us for further cross-border venture of this kind.

The content of this sound-of-sculpture concept has its starting point in a constant collaboration across the various disciplines. The object and goal is to create a social art- and network that simultaneously enables open encounters between artists of all disciplines and fulfills higher artistic ambitions.

(Wolfgang Wohlfahrt)


Max Bühlmann
James Clay
Herbert Golser
Christoph Pöcksteiner
Karen Schlimp
Stefan Sprenker
Thomas Sterna
Wolfgang Wohlfahrt

program during the symposion:

27 – 30 July

Sound workshop
sound-sculptures _ sculpture-sound

Exploring sounds with Karen Schlimp.

Effect, sound generating, positioning in space, interaction of different sounds, structure in visual and acoustic space. Structure, shape and design in space are the similtitudes between sculpture and music, however, music is primarily created in the frame of time, which gives a new dimension to the sculpture. The means, how this dimension can be achieved with sculpture sounds, performances and the interaction of artworks and artists has been investigated during the workshop, concluding in a performance of the participants together with visitors of the exhibition.

16. July – 8. August
bildhauerhaus - krastal

sculpture and soundtrack

As part of the 44th International Sculpture Symposium, [kunstwerk] krastal is expanding its program with an experimental exhibition. The 12 artists show sound sculpture works and a selection of sound documents in the exhibition space, which is specially equipped for viewing and listening. An interdisciplinary art project that combines the dimensions of sculpture, object-art and sound for a visualized music of the future.

Kurator: Wolfgang Wohlfahrt

30. Juli 2011, 17 Uhr