symposion krastal_bergstein
15. 07 - 28. 08. 2020
modre stonequarry - Bergstein, Völkermarkt
symposion bergstein
time journey and perspectives
A symposion with the contribution of [kunstwerk] krastal.
Ten artists, five from Slovenia and five from Carinthia will hold a perspective journey in time
through stone, sculpture and sound in Bergstein stone quarry and will further develop their artistic
visions and cultural identity
program during the symposion:
every friday from 7pm
modre stonequarry - Bergstein, Völkermarkt
round walk and presentation
with artists, sculptures and perceptions
24. 07 - 01. 08. 2020
stonequarry Bergstein / Stadtturm in Völkermarkt
installation and exhibition
Stadtturm - Klangturm
Sound of Sculpture
saturday, 22. August
modre stonequarry - Bergstein, Völkermarkt
sculpture presentation
concert of Heidelinde Gratzl - Accordion