Sigrid Friedmann - Ulrich Kaufmann
2020 5050 marks the year of the exhibition on the one hand and the cooperation of
Sigrid Friedmann and Ulrich Kaufmann on the other. Both artists work
separately on individual projects as well as together on common works. If Friedmann's
works are about layers and exposing them at different depths, Kaufmann is mostly
concerned with his personal access to himself. Together, Friedmann and Kaufmann are
involved with space and objects, projections and amount of emotions that should emerge
for visitors also while entering, listening, seeing.
Sigrid Friedmann and Ulrich Kaufmann show photographic works and light, room and video
installations specially developed for the sculptor house. They give an insight into their
current work after 20 years of individual and joint work.
setzen, legen, stellen
versetzen, verlegen, verstellen
übersetzen, überlegen, überstellen
entsetzen, entlegen, entstellen
aussetzen, auslegen, ausstellen
Sigrid Friedmann
The place inspires the artist to work with stone. As a media artist, she does not
dedicate herself to stone with a chisel and hammer, but with light. She works the hard
stone with software, the surfaces with cutting programs.
Ulrich Kaufmann
Authenticity and Video
Film installation. An observation of the observation, a monitoring of the monitoring, a documentation about the documentation, which questions itself and its design.

bildhauerhaus - krastal
friday, 14 august at 7pm
introductory words: Clara Kaufmann
thursday, 3 september from 7pm
visiting hours:
friday - sunday from 4pm to 8pm
and by appointment