symposion [kunstwerk] krastal
The first sculptors' symposion was held in 1967 and since this date of founding until now, every year a symposion has taken place in Krastal marble quarry.
Symposion [kunstwerk] krastal is so far the most ancient existing event of this kind, which maintained its activity without any interruption.
Symposion [kunstwerk] krastal has certain priorities, which had not changed since its establishment.
The symposion’s goal is to give opportunity for artistically independent creation - it is to provide infrastructure and give support
for a research and the realization of artworks, to facilitate the exchange between artists, theorists, individuals.
Symposia are focusing on artistic, sculptural, socio-political questions. Habitually each symposion is organized by two or three members of
[kunstwerk] krastal around a concept or topic…
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symposion 2023 :
57. international stone sculptors' symposion [kunstwerk] krastal
10. 06 - 02. 08. 2024