an interdisciplinary exhibition project in frames of
"zeit.čas.tempo" Kärnten - Triennale II
concept and organization: Heliane Wiesauer-Reiterer
„Kant defines time as a human ability to experience things in its continuity and to
recognize the sequence of events as successive. Knowledge is only possible within the
dimensions of time and space and is therefore a matter for the subjective human requirements“
In the frames of the exhibition eight artists from the [kunstwerk] krastal challenge the subject of time and space.

bildhauerhaus - krastal
06. 09.- 26. 09. 2020
saturday 5 september 2020, 5pm
visiting hours:
friday - sunday from 2pm to 7pm
and by appointment
related content:
2020_zeit-raum_raum-zeit.pdf (de)