28. 04 - 09. 09. 2023
lana, south tirol
art & music & literature & hike
extensive program with contributions from several cultural organizations
Niclas Anatol, James Clay, Peter Dörflinger, Romana Egartner, Sigrid Friedmann, Joachim
Hoffmann, Erika Inger, Ulrich Kaufmann, Andres Klimbacher, Helmut Machhammer, Jure
Markota, Katharina Mörth, Gabriela Nepo-Stieldorf, Arnold Reinthaler, Brigitte Sasshofer,
Heike Schäfer, Meina Schellander, Peter H. Schurz, Max Seibald, Anno Sieberts, Egon Straszer,
Inge Vavra, Heliane Wiesauer-Reiterer, Markus Wilfling, Wolfgang Wohlfahrt, Alfred Woschitz
The expression Kunst in Kisten ( Art in Case ) make us inevitably associate to treasure chests, travel cases for tansporting valuable objects. We might think also to Pandora's box or the sheep in the box of Saint-Exupéry's little prince. Every one has its own idea, different images, different shapes in mind.
Visual art is in search of the desire to translate the idea into a nonverbal form through the will to shape, to explain existence, to describe and question it. In doing so, the artists produce an infinite number of possibilities for finding a form. Every single box seen from the outside stands for this infinite number of possibilities. Objects of many collections - and not only art collections - are well sealed in cases and put away in depots. There are hidden stories of humanity in it.
Over the decades, Krastal has accumulated a portfolio of exclusive works of art, all made from one of the hardest marble of Europe, the Krastal marble. To present them in an exhibition would be a challenge for both the transport and the associated logistics, quite apart from the lack of suitable exhibition venues.
The project KUNST AUS DER KISTE is an attempt to make a contemporary sculpture exhibition more flexible, easily transportable and easier to finance. The task to the sculptors for this exhibition is correspondingly demanding; in each transport case there is a sculpture or installation project, which corresponds to a predetermined box size and its weight limited to 25 kg. Anything, which is foldable, pluggable, inflatable is conceivable and any kind of material allowed.
Andres Klimbacher

friday, 28. april at 7:30pm
library - lana
Sonja Steger and Alfred Woschitz
saturday, 29. april
from 3pm
meeting at gärtnerei galanthus beim kleinen pavillon
at 4pm
tour on the sculpture trail
at 6pm
südtiroler obstbaumuseum
exhibition opening
friday, 26 may from 5pm
with Hannes Egger from library Lana to Gärtnerei Galanthus through the city to Obstbaumuseum
thursday, 1 june at 7:30pm
reading & music
with Lorena Pircher, Bertrand Huber, Christoph Gabrieli
moderation: Sonja Steger
thursday, 15 june at 8pm
gärtnerei galanthus
lana meets jazz
OMAR SOSA & Ernesttico
Südtiroler Obstbaumuseum Lana
Brandiswaalweg 4, Lana
the exhibition is open until 9 september 2023
opening hours: tu–fr 10am-5pm sa 12am-6pm
Gärtnerei Galanthus Lana
Erzherzog-Eugen-Straße 3, Lana
the exhibition is open until 16 June 2023
opening hours: mo–fr 8–12am & 2-6pm; sa 8–12am
Library Lana
Hoffmann Platz 2, Lana
the exhibition is open until 3 june 2023
opening hours: mo–fr 9–12am & 2:30–6:30pm; sa 9–12am
Andres Klimbacher, Helmut Machhammer, Peter H. Schurz
coordination & information:
Erika Inger, Wolfgang Wohlfahrt
+39 334 1719091