Anniversary Exhibition for Otto Eder's 100th Birthday
08. 06 - 04. 08. 2024
bildhauerhaus - krastal
The association [kunstwerk] krastal is dedicating an exhibition to OTTO EDER on the
occasion of his 100th birthday in the premises of the Sculpture House in Krastal.
Eder's understanding of forms and desire to create became apparent early on. In
his intensive engagement with the human body, suffering and the desire for harmony, he
created around 150 sculptural works as well as numerous lithographs, graphics and drawings.
A cross-section of his work is shown in the gallery rooms, with a further focus on his
large sculptures.
Thanks to his persistence in the concept of Künstlerhaus im Krastal - he envisions something
similar to a medieval cathedral building hut, a center open to various arts and all artists in the
world - and the constant initiative to carry this idea forward, the association still exists today
and continues to hold events annually the international stone sculptor symposium.
Otto Eder (born Seeboden / Carinthia 1924 – 1982) attended the state trade school for construction
and crafts in Villach. 1945 – 48 military service; From 1948 he studied sculpture at the School
of Applied Arts in Graz with Prof. Walter Ritter, then from 1948 - 51 at the Vienna Academy with
Prof. Fritz Wotruba.
In 1962 Eder received the Austrian State Prize for Sculpture, in 1965 the City of Vienna Prize
for Fine Arts and in 1972 the City of Vienna Prize for Fine Arts. He took part in numerous
exhibitions and symposia at home and abroad.
From 1964 he was a member of the Vienna Secession. From 1967 he was involved in the
Krastal sculpture symposium, which essentially determined his life thereafter. In 1970 he
founded the association “Encounter in Carinthia - Krastal Workshop”. Since 2007 the
association is named [kunstwerk] krastal – sculpture | symposium | interdisciplinary projects.
The exhibition shows works from the Otto Eder estate, Galerie Altenöder Salzburg as well as from private collections.

saturday, 8 june from 7pm
visiting hours:
thursday to sunday from 4pm to 7pm
and by appointment: +43 676 4760535