55. international stone sculptors' symposion
09. 07 - 06. 08. 2022
curated by : Rosa Roedelius and Heliane Wiesauer-Reiterer
In the synergy, in togetherness, one embarks on a creative path and encounters questions such as:
Who am I in this temporary community? What comes to light? Where am I going? Through the place,
the stone, the energy of the space, in the freer choice of means, a fictional/real self is discovered:
created, a self-portrait that develops in the togetherness. Who else am I under the gaze of others?
A journey into the I and the you. The sculptural work is accompanied by diaries. Sketches, entries,
thoughts on the work. These are discussed at the communal evening meal. Who am I at the beginning,
who am I at the end? Internal conversations about art, art politics, life and existential being take place. Possibly
also with invited guests.
The artists are encouraged to develop freely, to experiment, to create new things and also to collaborate.
The primary medium is the work on and with the stone. In addition, the artists can choose another medium.
programm during the symposion:
saturday, 16 july at 5pm
bildhauerhaus, krastal
16 july - 6 august
bildhauerhaus, krastal
drawing for stone _ synergy
every friday 6pm - 8pm
lauster stone quarry, krastal
conversation with the artists followed by a visit to the exhibition in the sculptors' house
saturday, 6 august from 6pm
bildhauerhaus, krastal
closing fest