The expression Kunst in Kisten ( Art in Case ) make us inevitably associate to treasure chests, travel cases for tansporting valuable objects. We might think also to Pandora's box or the sheep in the box of Saint-Exupéry's little prince. Every one has its own idea, different images, different shapes in mind.
Visual art is in search of the desire to translate the idea into a nonverbal form through the will to shape, to explain existence, to describe and question it. In doing so, the artists produce an infinite number of possibilities for finding a form. Every single box seen from the outside stands for this infinite number of possibilities. Objects of many collections - and not only art collections - are well sealed in cases and put away in depots. There are hidden stories of humanity in it.
Over the decades, Krastal has accumulated a portfolio of exclusive works of art, all made from one of the hardest marble of Europe, the Krastal marble. To present them in an exhibition would be a challenge for both the transport and the associated logistics, quite apart from the lack of suitable exhibition venues.
The project KUNST AUS DER KISTE is an attempt to make a contemporary sculpture exhibition more flexible, easily transportable and easier to finance. The task to the sculptors for this exhibition is correspondingly demanding; in each transport case there is a sculpture or installation project, which corresponds to a predetermined box size and its weight limited to 25 kg. Anything, which is foldable, pluggable, inflatable is conceivable and any kind of material allowed.
Andres Klimbacher