Matija Schellander
artist in residence
07. 06 - 04. 07. 2022
coordination: Romana Egartner
Matija Schellander lives and works as a composer, contrabassist and electronic musician in Vienna where he composes for music ensembles, theater plays, contemporary dance performances and makes soundtracks for films. He works on solo projects and collaborates with several international artists.
In Krastal he will get involved with the environment and go on a search with his ears.
Explore quarry, forest and human traces with sound. Collect the found sounds using microphones
and modulate and transform them in the temporary studio in Krastal. He uses computers and modular
synthesizers for this. He intend to use this sound material to play a walk-in installation made of
loudspeakers. This should consist of many different loudspeakers - a loudspeaker orchestra that plays
in all accessible rooms in the studio building in Krastal. Based on the results of electronic music
since the 1960s, musique concrčte and acousmatics, a sound sculpture is created that uses the spatial
expansion through several channels.
The installation is to be played in concert by him, in a final concert of his residency.
For Matija Schellander, in addition to the actual electronic sound material, the focus
here is also on a manipulation of the acoustic and tonal properties of the sound waves generated
by the loudspeaker in the room.
Examples of this way of working are Matija’s composition/performance “everything would be much worse without me”, in which he position himself in front of the loudspeaker and influence the timbre with small movements.
In another work he places metal plates in front of the speaker and create reflections that filter the sound. In the piece "The Drill" my double bass, which I rotate around its own axis while walking, is used as a filter for the electronic sound. Matija intends to continue the research on these ideas and experimenting with stone, par example.
The result is a polyphonic world of sound in which electronic sounds merge with natural sounds from the Krastal and are acoustically manipulated in a performative concert.
saturday, 20 august at 8pm
bildhauerhaus - krastal